Support for Athletic Therapists
and Athletic Therapy endeavours
in Alberta
To find out more about how an Athletic Therapist can you help you, visit our blog page at Your Life in Full Motion.
Your Life in Full Motion
We represent, promote and provide leadership and opportunity for Athletic Therapists across Alberta
Whether you are a
professional athlete
or a week-end warrior...
Whether you are a professional athlete or a week-end warrior, a Pee Wee level hockey player or a master’s level rower, an Athletic Therapist can help you reach your physical potential. An Athletic Therapist is a dedicated professional who works with you and for you to meet your physically active needs; whether it is at work or at play, an Athletic Therapist can help you. Athletic Therapists are musculoskeletal experts that specialize in orthopaedic assessment and rehabilitation of all physical injuries.
Learn more about us